Practitioner Resources

Across specialties, UW Medicine experts are serving community practitioners like you in a variety of ways.

Practitioner Resources

Across specialties, UW Medicine experts are serving community practitioners like you in a variety of ways.

Our health system and partners

UW Medicine is an integrated clinical, research and learning health system. Every day, our physicians uphold our values of excellence, innovation and teamwork.

We are caring for patients at regional locations and at UW Medicine Primary Care Clinics, UW Medical Center – Montlake, Harborview Medical Center, UW Medical Center – Northwest, Valley Medical Center, Fred Hutchison Cancer Center and Airlift Northwest.

Ways we can help you support your patients

Access specialists and services at UW Medicine and find a list of frequently used phone numbers below, including the UW Medicine Practitioner Line (800.4UW.DOCS) for you to use to reach the on-call specialist in select services, contact the paging operator and transfer or refer your patient.

Connect with a specialist

Speak with the on-call specialist in participating services at 800.4UW.DOCS.

Transfer a patient

Call the Transfer Center at 877.520.7575 for urgent transfer requests.

Refer a patient

Call 206.520.7700 to refer your patient.

Magnifying glass and services

Find a specific clinic or practitioner

Frequently used numbers

Continued education and training

Find high-quality educational opportunities for practitioners, sponsored by the Office of Continuing Medical Education, and explore telehealth options and Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) programs.

Continuing education credits

Find educational opportunities and events in your specialty.

Online consultation and training

Explore telehealth programs, including consultations that connect contracted providers with experts at UW Medicine, and practitioner education initiatives, including various ECHO programs.

Learning resources

Find specialized learning resources.

Hospital credentials and privileges

See the credentialing process for external researchers and other practitioners.

Latest news and information


Fall 2024: A new vaccine for COVID-19

The formulation is aimed at variants circulating now, and is timed for availability just as kids are going back to school.


‘My main advice for parents is not to wait’

A parent of an asthmatic child gives advice about being prepared for wildfire smoke, high temperatures and end-of-summer trips.


Study findings may help explain why we keep getting colds

By simultaneously circulating many versions of itself, the rhinovirus ups the odds that it will latch onto people who are not immune.