Powering the innovators and innovations that transform health.
Scientifically Rich
UW Medicine ranks among the top academic research institutions to receive National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. The UW Medicine research powerhouse is driven by outstanding collaboration and interdisciplinary programs.
Award-Winning Faculty
UW Medicine's faculty includes many members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as well as recipients of Nobel, Gairdner, Lasker and Shaw prizes.
Diverse Graduate Programs
We are training the next wave of innovative scientists. Our internationally acclaimed graduate and postdoctoral training programs prepare students to advance science as members of an inclusive research community.
Nobel Prize Banner

Outstanding collaborators.
By any measure, UW Medicine is leading the discovery of new health findings and the development of new approaches to health. Our team is recognized internationally for its research achievements, including No. 7 for biological sciences and No. 9 for clinical medicine in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). In 2022, UW ranked No. 18 globally.
About UW Research
Clinical Trials
You can help make history by participating in research. Working together, we can improve healthcare for years to come.