About UW Medicine
For Puget Sound area residents who currently want, or will someday need, the highest quality care for their routine and complex conditions, UW Medicine provides an unmatched level of excellence.
That’s because UW Medicine is Washington’s only health system that includes a top-rated medical school and an internationally recognized research center.
From our family to yours
Nearly 29,000 healthcare professionals, researchers, and educators work together at UW Medicine with a single mission: to improve the health of the public. Our faculty, staff, students, and trainees work together in a family of organizations that includes:
- Airlift Northwest
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- Harborview Medical Center
- UW Medical Center
- UW Medicine Primary Care
- UW Physicians
- UW School of Medicine
- Valley Medical Center

A Higher Degree of Healthcare
When we say you’ll receive a higher degree of healthcare from us, it’s not just a slogan. It’s a promise.
Our commitment to you
At UW Medicine, every person involved in your care commits to helping you and your family achieve your personal goals for wellness and quality of life. We pledge to:
- Put your needs first.
- Create a welcoming environment.
- Respect your values.
- Empower and collaborate with you.
- Coordinate and integrate your care.
- Offer you comfort and support.
- Enable your access to services, system-wide.
- Advance your care through research.
As the only comprehensive clinical, research and learning health system in the five-state WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) region, UW Medicine provides a higher degree of healthcare, ranging from primary and preventive care to the most highly specialized care for the most complex medical conditions.
- No matter what type of care you need—primary, specialty, urgent or emergent care or air medical transport—UW Medicine’s world-class providers are nearby, at more than 300 locations around the Puget Sound region.
- Along with caring for patients at all ages and life stages, our doctors conduct scientific research and teach future medical professionals, giving us unique opportunities to translate the latest insights into excellent care for you.
- UW Medicine is at the forefront of a national movement to transform care by delivering safe, high-quality services that achieve better outcomes—both by caring for the sick and by keeping our communities well in the first place—all while spending healthcare dollars wisely. We measure the quality of your care based on a variety of factors relating to both outcomes and process, including effectiveness, efficiency, equity, patient-centeredness, safety and timeliness.
- We believe that all people have the right to high-quality, culturally appropriate healthcare, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or ability. We are committed to embracing diversity, fostering inclusion and advancing equity across our family of organizations for our patients and workforce in order to reduce disparities in healthcare delivery and make UW Medicine an equitable place to learn, work, and receive care. Learn more about our Office of Healthcare Equity.
The UW School of Medicine is at the forefront of medical care and medical science, educating medical students in five states through a regional partnership known as WWAMI.
- Our programs emphasize training doctors, scientists and allied health professionals to meet the healthcare needs of a five-state region, especially through primary care and service to underserved populations, and to improve health via innovative research programs in basic and clinical sciences.
- The School places distinct curricular emphasis on leadership, health equity, ethics, professionalism, life-long learning and scientific discovery.
- We are committed to educational quality improvement and building a community of faculty, staff and students who embrace inclusiveness, healthcare equity, and awareness in the learning environment.
With one of the largest medical research programs in the world, UW Medicine enables scientists to advance knowledge and health innovations with groundbreaking discoveries.
- Our researchers conduct clinical and basic science research across 31 academic departments, from anesthesiology to urology, and more than three dozen research centers and institutes.
- We are dedicated to winning the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, genetic disorders, heart disease, infection, multiple sclerosis, stroke, vision loss and other causes of disability and premature death.
- The research community at the UW School of Medicine has access to comprehensive instrumentation, facilities and services at multiple research locations in Seattle, and our faculty and staff collaborate widely with thousands of colleagues nationally and around the world.
- UW School of Medicine provides advanced scientific training toward Ph.D. degrees in biomedical research in an outstanding, resource-rich, collaborative environment dedicated to basic and translational research.