We're on a mission.
Harborview Medical Center is a comprehensive healthcare facility dedicated to providing specialized care for a broad spectrum of patients from throughout the Pacific Northwest, including the most vulnerable residents of King County.
As the only designated Level I adult and pediatric trauma and verified burn center in the state of Washington, Harborview serves as the regional trauma and burn referral center for Alaska, Montana and Idaho and the disaster preparedness and disaster control hospital for Seattle and King County.
The UW Medicine physicians, staff and other healthcare professionals based at Harborview provide exemplary patient care in leading-edge centers of emphasis, including emergency medicine, trauma and burn care; neurosciences, ophthalmology, vascular surgery, HIV/AIDS and rehabilitation medicine.
Patients given priority for care include the non-English speaking poor; the uninsured or underinsured, victims of domestic violence or sexual assault; people incarcerated in King County's jails; people with mental illness or substance abuse problems, particularly those treated involuntarily; people with sexually transmitted diseases; and those who require specialized emergency, trauma or burn care.
Harborview recognizes that delivering quality healthcare is enhanced by a strong commitment to teaching, community service and research. Harborview fulfills its educational mission through the support of undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and continuing education programs of the health professions of the University of Washington and other educational institutions, as well as programs relating to patient education.
Harborview Medical Center is owned by King County, governed by a county-appointed board of trustees and managed under contract by the University of Washington. The medical center plans and coordinates with Public Health Seattle and King County, other County agencies, community providers, and area hospitals, to provide programs and services.