4.3 Clerkship Credentialing Forms and Costs

You can download your criminal background check, BLS eCard, mask fit documentation, OSHA/Infection Control Training/Universal Precautions Training certificate, and HIPAA certificate from Evalue. Your immunization summary can be found on your Castlebranch account. 
How to access your compliance documents


  1. Credentialing forms which require a signature from a “school official” in order to verify compliance with criminal background checks, BLS training, HIPAA training and drug testing and immunizations compliance can be sent to somcompl@uw.edu.
  2. TB Testing: While the UW SOM does not require annual TB testing, many clerkship sites still do. Please check your TB expiration before requesting a signed credentialing form. You can email HSIP myshots@uw.edu to have your TB requirement opened up so you may submit a new TB test. We cannot verify your credentialing until your TB test has been accepted and approved in CB.
  3. Letter of Good Standing: this is generated by the SOM Registrar somreg@uw.edu and is available in your Evalue Personal Records profile. The letter will not generate if your status is non-compliant. Contact us at somcompl@uw.edu if your letter is being held because of a compliance issue.
  4. For questions email somcompl@uw.edu

Costs and Reimbursements

Generally, the SOM does NOT reimburse for compliance and credentialing costs, with the following exception:

    The School will reimburse students for the cost of subscriptions to credentialing platforms when such subscriptions are required for onboarding at WWAMI clinical clerkship sites. Current platforms that can be reimbursed are CPNW (Clinical Placements Northwest), Clinician Nexus, and myClinicalExchange. Email your receipt to gowwami@uw.edu for reimbursement. Include the name of the clinical site and the clerkship for which the subscription is required.
  2. For more information about travel reimbursement:  https://sites.uw.edu/gowwami/other-travel/